Life · Uncategorized

It’s feelin’ like fall

It’s only September but we already got our first bit of snow. It was in the 80s F (30s C) on Tuesday, snowing by Friday. Thank god I stocked up when winter stuff was on sale in May. Now’s the time you get so much good summer stuff. Honestly I found that sweater in the… Continue reading It’s feelin’ like fall

Life · Tips and tricks · Uncategorized

Ways long distance couples can be together without marriage

I know all my posts are about this but since it basically runs my life I thought I’d write what I’ve learned. One day I will be a seasoned veteran. I’ve been dating a boy from a completely different continent than me for 3 1/2 years now and I’m pretty sure I have seen every piece of… Continue reading Ways long distance couples can be together without marriage

Life · Uncategorized

The possibility of goodbye. My birthday post

Happy birthday to me! I’m 22 now and I’m completely screwed. With two Australian visas ending in April, we have nowhere to go afterwards. We ran out of money and we (nevermind just me) suck at our my job so are more than screwed. I’m trying to figure something out but basically: money will determine whether we’ll be together.… Continue reading The possibility of goodbye. My birthday post

Life · Uncategorized

My very first Australia Day as an American

I couldn’t post this a week ago when I wanted because I’ve learned people have limits on their internet at home and 100GB is nothing for a month, at least for losers who do nothing like us. 2 days ago we also drove 8 hours away to Adelaide, the biggest city in South Australia. We were… Continue reading My very first Australia Day as an American

Life · Tips and tricks · Uncategorized

How I learned to actually eat healthy for cheap, and why I thought I couldn’t

I remember moving into my first apartment my second year in college with no cooking skills. I grew up eating a lot of frozen meals and my family always had a love for pizza and 89 cent tacos on Taco Tuesday. This apartment was the first time I’d have to buy groceries for myself. Unfortunately I ended… Continue reading How I learned to actually eat healthy for cheap, and why I thought I couldn’t