
IMG_20160424_190449 [341935]
That’s me!
My name is Lindsey and I really like pancakes.

I’m 21 and grew up in Montana in the US. I now live in Australia doing housesitting, but lived in Germany for a year and a half with my boyfriend and his family. I learned that they eat cold meat slices like bologna with very hardy, dense bread for breakfast and one day broke down crying because of it. I just wanted a damn fruit. I know. This is a no judgement zone.

We don’t really have a certain plan after Australia, but we gotta leave some time so we’ll see how it all goes. As a couple from two different countries, we’ve been trying to find a way to stick together without cheating (marriage – I’m only 21!!). It’s hard, but where there’s a will there’s a way.

Anyway in October 2015 I spent a few weeks making a scrapbook of our first two years together.

I had glue on my fingers for days. Although it’s fun to peel off 😉

It was a pain in the ass.

So as a way to remember things we have done, I’m making a blog. Hopefully this will be easier for my lazy ass (I tried YouTube videos too but they’re even more work). I hope anyone who actually looks at it enjoys it because I know eventually it will pay off as I can read every emotion I went through. Please try to enjoy 🙂

48 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Lindsey, thanks for dropping by my blog. You have a lovely smile there btw. That is a tough thing to balance a relationship that hinges between Australia and Germany. Phew. But that said, I am looking forward to browsing your posts and being part of your journey 🙂 P.S.: I also cannot do endless sessions of meat without veggies and fruits.


  2. Hi Lindsey. It is so nice to meet you. Wow, what a leap from Montana to Australia and also to have lived in Germany. This is exciting. We are going to have fun tagging along on your journey and seeing the world through your eyes and words. You two can make it, just remember to communicate and become best friends. It worked for us, lol.

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      1. That is such a nice compliment. Its funny because when we and Emma began our September trip we would tease that if you can spend a month in such close quarters as we did then you can survive a life time together. Through the journey we had some wonderful and deep conversations that drew us even closer in becoming even BETTER friends.


      2. Exactly! Doing that always either ends in everyone barely coming out alive or coming out even stronger. Sebastian and I were somehow able to live out of our car for a while and were even a little disappointed when we got to sleep in a real bed and there was so much room that we didn’t have to cuddle the whole time lol. Sounds like we’re on our way to being like you guys!

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      3. LOL. This is great. You two sound like having all the ingredients of what it takes to make it BIG. We too still laugh at surviving 30 days in our 2002 Toyota Camry with 250 k miles on it. The laughs, the discussions, the JOY. You and Sebastian keep it up. We’re journeying along with you both.

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  3. I got married at 22 because I had a job in Argentina and my boy friend couldn’t come unless we married . 31 years later we are still very happily married. We never went to Argentina, but we went to a shed load of other places ( and made gardens) , so don’t rule out marriage just because you are young. It might well be the best thing you ever did. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww that’s really reassuring. My boyfriends parents are from different countries as well and got married young as well or else they couldn’t be together. They’re also still married and it’s so sweet to see that and hear about you and your husband. It’s still so hard to ignore my inner voice telling me I can’t marry until I’m nearly 30 but I love hearing about people in the same situation. It makes me feel so much better so thank you for that! 🙂

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  4. Wow, you have an interesting blog here. Moresoever, I am jealous of you for two things, one being you have traveled more countries than I ever have and secondly, you are in such a beautiful relationship. And it is very sweet of you to document every encounter. Also, you look cute, but sigh, you are committed. 😛

    Anyhow, thank you very much for dropping by my blog. Looking forward to read more of your posts.

    Take Care, keep writing. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  5. So, you found me and I had to check out your blog. LOVE it! You sound like an amazing young woman and I am surprised at the memories you brought up for me. I lived in Germany for 3 years, loved it, starting when I was 19 with my military husband and young son who is now also in the military and 31! The hearty breakfasts were nice when we traveled but luckily we had our own apartment because I am a pancake person, too (many people don’t get that either any more than the meat and cheese, of course I can do pancake dinners quite nicely). I love to travail also, and plan to live vicariously through you until I can go again (just gor my passport, just got retired much too young, I graduate this spring …now I need money lol). I am amazed you are living abroad and house sitting, and am envious also! Take care, can’t wait to see your posts (mine are quite sporadic, but I am hoping to do better this year).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Who doesn’t need money? Lol. Congrats on graduating soon though, that’s really exciting and a huge step in life. I think only 6% of the world gets to get a degree (don’t quote me on that). I hope you get to travel ASAP and go visit Germany again, and of course post about it on your blog for all of us 😉 . I also want one of your pancake dinners, that sounds like my personal heaven.

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  6. Hi again, Lindsey. I just had to hop over and take a look at the person behind the great comment on my post. I wasn’t disappointed to find that your About page shows the same quirky sense of humour. (I’d have cried, too, at cold meat and hard bread for breakfast every day. I’m with you on the need for fruit!)
    I’m looking forward to reading about your adventures in Australia. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so much 😊. Usually people don’t understand it when I tell people about all the meat and bread, they think it’d be great! It’s good to hear there’s some sane people out there like me haha


  7. Hi Lindsey, thanks for finding my blog, reading and commenting. Your story sounds interesting! I am also in a long-term relationship with a Polish guy and I am from Nepal! Intercultural relationships can be quite interesting. How fun that you live in Australia! Look forward to following you 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh wow! I love hearing about people like you guys, it’s so cool to know there’s others in the same boat. The fun part is learning all the weird things they do in their country but you’d never do in your own haha. Thanks for commenting!

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  8. Hello Lindsey. Thank you for liking my penguin painting. When I was in the military, I used to go to Germany all the time. I lived in Holland and England for eight years. My wife is Dutch and we have been married for 37 years. And, yes you may see Louis and Penelope again. 🙂

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    1. That’s really cool! I’m guessing you learned some Dutch, which I think is such a weird language. I see it and expect it to be German, but then sometimes it seems like it’s going to be English. It’s sneaky. I’m so happy to hear you’ve been together 37 years. Congrats! And I’ll definitely be looking out for Louis and Penelope again 🙂


  9. ohh, I’m half German and my boyfriend is Uruguayan so I totally get the issue of finding ways to stay together, though we are still stuck in the LDR-part! I’m happy to see that you’re living together and are able to go on adventures together! ❤ All the best to the two of you x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you ♥ we’re in the LDR part pretty often too BUT the good thing is people in LDR’s have been shown to have the strongest relationships 🙂 I hope you two can be together ASAP and go on your own adventures so I can read about them ♥


      1. oh, so you might be separated again after your time in Australia? I believe the part about the strongest relationships too! hehe currently I’m happy that we can share a simple every day life together – hopefully the adventure part comes when we really move together 🙂 take care!


  10. That’s amazing how you’ve lived in Germany and now Australia! I would love to live abroad! Were you studying or did you move there purely for the experience (and to be with your boyfriend)?


      1. That’s cool, lucky you! 😁 💕 And I would really love to study and live abroad in the UK.


    1. Lol, thank you so much Andy. I’ve only been here a day and I’m pretty sure I’m trapped forever. I will definitely need the luck. It’s good to see blogs like yours that are so dedicated as well 🙂

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      1. You will soon build up a following. Keep interacting with other bloggers. Put loads of Tags on your posts ie.life, musing, humour, etc etc and also pay people. (Damn, ive already followed you!)


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